Youth Resources
Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) is Canada's only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.
Representative for Children and Youth
If you feel a child is in danger and requires protection, please call the Children's Help Line at 310-1234 from anywhere in B.C. to get help immediately (no area code necessary).
Contact the Office of the Representative confidentially if you are a young person and need support or if you are an adult with a concern about the well-being of a young person.
Lillooet Restorative Justice
Phone/Fax: 250-256-0683
Email: [email protected]
What If I Get into Trouble? Pocket Card [5x3 PDF]
Lillooet Restorative Justice supports the rights of children and youth:
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children (UNCRC) is the world's most signed Convention. It is designed to protect the lives and dignity of children and youth (anyone under age the age of 18). It outlines the minimum standards for the healthy development of children and youth.
What are child and youth rights?
There are 54 articles and 2 optional protocols in the Convention that outlines the rights of children and youth and the obligations of adults and government.
You don't have to memorize all the different rights in order to understand them, a simple way to determine what rights children and youth have and how to exercise the rights is to know the 4 guiding principles:
- Non-discrimination. These rights are for all children. Children and youth have the right to be treated without discrimination and have the right to be who they are.
- Right to life survival and development. Children and youth have a right to the basic things to live, survive, and develop.
- Best interests of the child. Always ask yourself "Is the decision I'm making good for kids?"
- Engaging children and youth. Children and youth need to participate and have their views considered when decisions are being made that affect them.
Our organization cares about the rights of children and youth
The Lillooet Restorative Justice Program respects the rights of youth by facilitating programs in the schools and community to educate children and youth about their rights.
Learn more
You can learn more about the rights of children and youth at, BC's Child Rights Public Awareness Campaign and at
Restorative Justice and Child Rights (PDF)
Training for Youth
Play it Fair! Toolkit - Play It Fair! is an easy to use educational Toolkit developed to promote human rights, non-discrimination and peaceful conflict resolution within non-formal education programs for children, such as summer camps or after school activities.
Download the Play it Fair! Toolkit [4.6 MB PDF]
Speaking Rights Toolkit - Speaking Rights is a new Equitas program that engages 13-17 year old youth in exploring human rights issues and identifying strategies to combat discrimination and exclusion while promoting respect for diversity. The program centers on the active participation of youth by developing their ability to discuss issues that are important to them and to work collaboratively on activities that community-build and solve conflicts peacefully.Download the Speaking Rights Toolkit [6.7 MB PDF]